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The CCWNY Book Drive

By 05/19/2021May 23rd, 2021No Comments

May is the Asian American Heritage Month in the United States. The CCWNY is organizing a fundraising campaign to purchase and donate some hand-picked books on Asian American culture and history. We are donating to Erie county libraries in the Buffalo. The books will include the Asian Chinese literature, language, history, culture etc, for the adult and youth readers in our community.
We hope to promote awareness of Asian American‘s contributions to our county, foster inclusion of diversity, and promote a positive environment for our community. Education is a key to build a more cohesive community and prevent bias against each other. Your donation will be used to purchase and donate the books to the county libraries. No donation is too little. Please help us support this great cause!
We will provide an update with the list of books donated, and the county libraries that accepted the book donations. Thank you!
每年的5月是美国的亚太裔传统月。西纽约华人联谊会正在组织筹款购书活动,把有关亚裔美国人文化和历史的精选书籍捐赠给Erie 县图书馆。我们提供的书籍有成人类和少儿类,包括文学,语言,历史,文化等等。
捐款结束我们会提供具体的书籍清单, 和接受捐赠的图书馆的信息。感谢大家的支持!

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书籍类别 GenreLanguage语言 Book Titles 推荐书籍名称Author 作者ISBN-10# Books
 in set
Publisher & Year 出版社、年份推荐理由
Laguage 语言Chinese 中文 Words Explained
Culture/History 文化历史Chinese 中文 Fifteen Lectures on Traditional Chinese Architecture
Culture/History 文化历史English 英文 Traditional Architectural Culture of China 中国传统建筑文化楼庆西 著,苏光 译1山东人民出版社出版 
Culture/History 文化历史Bilingual 中英文对照 Calligraphy and Painting-Chinese Traditional Culture Bilingual Reader
Culture/History 文化历史Chinese 中文 China National Geographic Encyclopedia
Generals 综合类English 英文 Chinese Soul Food: A Friendly Guide for Homemade Dumplings, Stir-Fries, Soups, and MoreHsiao-Ching Chou 12018
Generals 综合类English 英文 Easy 30-Minute Stir-Fry Cookbook: 100 Asian Recipes for your Wok or SkilletChris Toy12020
Generals 综合类English 英文 Every Grain of Rice: Simple Chinese Home CookingFuchsia Dunlop 1A James Beard Award Winner
Youth Education 少儿类Chinese 中文 Picture Illustrated Classic Poems – 300 Tang & 300 Song Ci Poems
Youth Education 少儿类Chinese 中文 Beautiful Book of Songs, Classic Tang Poems & Classic Tang Song Ci
Youth Education 少儿类Chinese 中文 Comic China Classic Series — Journey to the West / Monkey King
Youth Education 少儿类Chinese 中文 Chinese idiom story
彩图版 -中国成语故事(全四册)
Youth Education 少儿类Bilingual 中英文对照 A Youth Textbook of Chinese American History: Volume 1 美华史记·青少年读本 (一) Xin Su (Author)1
Youth Education 少儿类Bilingual 中英文对照 A Youth Textbook of Chinese American History: Volume 2 美华史记·青少年读本 (二) Xin Su (Author)1
Culture/History 文化历史English 英文 The Importance Of Living林语堂  Yutang Lin06881635211
Culture/History 文化历史English 英文 The Wisdom of Lao Tzu: Deeply Read the Taoist Masters and Tao,Taoism Book林语堂  Yutang Lin1
Literature 文学English 英文 A Hero Born: Legends of the Condor Heroes 射雕英雄传金庸 Yong Jin4
Literature 文学English 英文 The Return of the Condor Heroes 神雕侠侣金庸 Yong Jin4
Literature 文学English 英文 The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber 倚天屠龙记金庸 Yong Jin4
Literature 文学English 英文 Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils 天龙八部金庸 Yong Jin5
Literature 文学English 英文 The Smiling, Proud Wanderer 笑傲江湖金庸 Yong Jin4
Literature 文学English 英文 The three body problem 三体 刘慈欣 Cixin Liu3
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 A Hero Born: Legends of the Condor Heroes 射雕英雄传金庸 Yong Jin4
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 The Return of the Condor Heroes 神雕侠侣金庸 Yong Jin4
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber 倚天屠龙记金庸 Yong Jin4
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils 天龙八部金庸 Yong Jin5
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 The Smiling, Proud Wanderer 笑傲江湖金庸 Yong Jin4
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 The Complete Works of Sanmao Collection-(11 volumes in total)
Echo 三毛11
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 Mystery Chinese Antiques ( 4 volumes in total)
马伯庸4Suspense Fictions about China Antiques
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 Great River Racing to the Ocean ( 4 Volumes in total)
大江东去 (共4 册)
阿耐 Ann 4
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 Poetry — Youth Without  Leaving Regrets Behind
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 Civilization journey 文明之旅余秋雨1
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 Teaching at Peking University 北大授课余秋雨1
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 My family Memoir 吾家小史余秋雨1
Literature 文学Chinese 中文 Happiness Just Right 恰到好处的幸福毕淑敏1
Generals 综合类Chinese 中文 Dear Andrew — 36 family letters read by two generations
Others 其他Chinese 中文 Technology and Civilization张笑宇1Guangxi Normal University Press (3/1/2021)技术与文明(我们的时代和未来)(精)/文明三部曲
Others 其他Chinese 中文 Full version of the original translation and annotation in vernacular 原版译注白话文完整版 —
Book of Changes 易经
Tao Te Ching 道德经
The Analects by Conficious 论语
The Art of War 鬼谷子孙子兵法
Book of Songs 诗经