春节演出 New Year Celebration Performance
与UB孔子学院合办。Joint with UBCI.
演出时间 Time:二月17日,Feb. 17, 2:30 PM – 5:00 PM
入场时间 Auditorium Open Time: 2:00 PM
地点 Location: Center for Arts, University at Buffalo
观赏费用 Admission:免费 Free
欢迎报名成为临时志愿者,请在二月10日前联系刘岩 liuyanchicago@gmail.com (If you want to volunteer for the event, please contact Yan Liu at liuyanchicago@gmail.com by Feb. 10th)
新年艺术作品展 New Year Art Exhibition
元宵答谢和慈善晚宴 Lantern Festival Recognition and Charity Banquet Dinner
时间 Time:三月三日,March 3rd, 5:30 PM – 11:00 PM
地点 Location:Transit Valley Country Club, 8920 Transit Rd, East Amherst, NY 14051
场地介绍 Info on the location
Link“The premier family-oriented country club in Western New York.”
费用 Admission fee
二月27日前:会员和特邀嘉宾 $35/人,其他非会员 $60/人 (限于场地规模,只有前200名付费者能够保证入场)
Before Feb 27: $35 per person for members and invited guests, $60 for other nonmembers (Due to the size of the venue, only the first 200 people who pay are guaranteed the access)
想成为会员?请访问会员资格网页。Want to become a member? Please visit our membership webpage.
付费方式 Payment methods
Cash or check: Saturday morning 9:00-11:00 at the Chinese School prior to the event
Online: PayPal
要求和提醒 Restrictions and reminders
Age: 16 and above only; note that in New York State it is illegal for people under age 21 to drink alcohol.
Dress code: By the theme of the event and to show respect to others, we recommend formal style with a touch of personality.
Need for cash: For cash bar and silent auction of gift baskets.
时间表(草案) Timeline (Draft)
5:30 场地开放。有开胃菜,付费酒吧(软饮料免费,啤酒葡萄酒需付现金)。
6:30 晚餐开始。自助式,可站可坐。有葡萄酒,甜点,和咖啡。
7:30 答谢和嘉宾发言。
8:40 娱乐:传统文化猜谜。
9:00 慈善:礼物篮子无声义卖。
10:00 娱乐:美式排舞。
11:00 结束。
5:30 The venue opens to the attendees. Appetizers and a cash bar (soft drinks are free, beer and wine are not.).
6:30 Dinner starts. Buffet style. Upright or seated eating. Wine, desserts, and coffee.
7:30 Recognition speeches.
8:40 Entertainment: Traditional culture riddles.
9:00 Charity: Silent auction of gift baskets.
10:00 Entertainment: Line dance。
11:00 The end。