Hi everyone!
Saturday, May 4th, CYC will be holding the annual Easter Egg Hunt at
Billy Wilson Park (1290 Hopkins Road) from 11:30am until 4:00pm. We will
have the egg hunts, raffle prizes, snacks, games, and face painting.
There will also be egg races, egg decorating and dying, games of tug of
war, and much more! There will be two egg hunts: the first one for kids
ages 5-12 at 12:30 and another for kids 13-18 at 2:30. This year,
instead of a bounce house we will be giving balloons to those attending
the hunt. We will also be selling pizza, snacks, and water.
Tickets are $4 at Chinese school this Saturday and $6 at the door on Saturday at the park.
Should the weather be an issue, a rain date is scheduled for Saturday, May 11th from 11:30-4pm.
We hope to see you there!
Thank you for your continued support!CYC