时间 (Time)
9月3 日(星期日), September 3rd, Sun., 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
地点 (Location)
Clarence Main Street Town Park (Main Shelter), 10405 Main Street, Clarence, NY 14031
各种活动 (Activities)
从10点到11:30, 联谊会将会组织趣味集体体育活动。中午就餐开始后会有为小朋友准备的脸画,魔术和扎气球表演等。
From 10:00 am to 11:30 am, a series of group sports activities will be organized. When the lunch starts at noon, there will be activities for kids, including face-painting and the performance of a magician and a balloon master.
收费 (Fees)
- 会员:成人和12岁以上青少年$10/位,4-12岁$5/位,低于4岁免费
志愿者:免费 - Members: $10 each for 12+ years old, $5 each for 4-12 years old, free for under 4
Non-members: $20 each for 12+ years old, $10 each for 4-12 years old, free for under 4
Volunteers: Free
**我们欢迎新会员。会员费:家庭 $50/年, 个人 $30/年 We welcome new members. Membership fee: Family $50/y, individual $30/y.
趣味体育项目挑战和比赛 (Group sports activities)
项目: 5 legged race, 7 legged race, Long Rope Jumping Challenge
1. 5人一纵队,双脚分别套在同一侧链接绳带上向前奔跑。起点至终点记时比赛。参赛队员请自行组合为5人队友。每次两个参赛队竞赛,两队同时进行共3次比赛。3次比赛中记最好成绩。所有参赛队中所用时间最短者获胜。获胜者计入联谊会记录。奖励:gift card
2. 7人一横队。毗邻者相互绑好一侧腿,全体队员向前奔跑。两队同时进行共3次比赛。3次比赛中记最好成绩。所有参赛队中时间最短者获胜。获胜者计入联谊会记录。奖励:gift card
3. 挑战20人同时跳绳10次。通过挑战或有更多人参与并达标,计入联谊会记录,合影并免费打印发送参与者。
Disclaimer (免责声明):Limitation of liability. For and in consideration for any use of property or equipment of CC-WNY, participants waive any risks and liabilities associated with their participation.
菜单 (Menu)
绿拇指园艺群:新鲜自种蔬菜小品 (Varieties of Fresh Home-Grown Vegetables): 韭菜素小蒸包 (Leek Buns),芸豆肉小蒸包 (Kidney Beans and Polk Buns),川味微辣黄瓜凉粉 (Sichuan Style Bean Jellies),肉炒蒲瓜 (Polk with Bottle Gourd),虾皮中国南瓜配小馒头 (Dried Small Shrimps, Chinese Pumpkin, and Small Steamed Bread)
Amherst Buffet:海鲜大会 (Seafood Deluxe), 清炒米粉 (Rice Vermicelli),捞面 (Lo Main),芥兰牛 (Broccoli Beef)
China Taste 中国味道:素三鲜饺子 (Vegetable Tri Flavor Dumplings),狮子头 (Braised Meat Ball in Brown Sauce),干煸四季豆 (Sichuan Style Fried Beans ),麻辣香锅 (Spicy Pot)
Eastern Pearl: 核桃大虾 (Jumbo Walnut Shrimp),XO 炒饭 (XO Fried Rice),椒盐鱿鱼 (Salt and Pepper Squid),麻婆豆腐 (Ma Po Tofu)
Golden Duck 金鸭子: 台湾式炸鸡块 (Fried Chicken),酸辣白菜 (Pickled Cabbage),干炒牛河 (Beef He Fun),蹄膀肉 (Pork Hock)
Home Taste 家之味: 大盘鸡 (Big Plate Chicken),芹菜炒腰果 (Stir Fry Celery with Cashews)
Little Lamb Hot Pot 小尾羊:麻辣香锅 (Spicy Pot)
Samurai Buffalo: 寿司拼盘 (Sushi Deluxe),蔬菜天妇罗 (Vegetable Tempura),照烧鸡 (Teriyaki Chicken)
Wok & Roll 中馆: 腐竹班腩 (Fish with Bean Curd Skin),三杯鸡 (Chicken Stew),鱼香茄子 (Eggplant with Garlic Sauce),炒米粉 (Chow Mein Fun)
赞助机构 (Sponsors)
- China Taste 中国味道
- Wok & Roll 中館
- America Arts INC
- 天马迅达快递
- Eastern Pearl Restaurant
- Rainbow Bridge Culture Center
- Samurai Buffalo
- Golden Duck 金鸭子
- Amherst Buffet
- Food Basket USA Company Limited
- Ocean Travel
- KUMO Japanese Cuisine
- Wegmans
- Tops
- Asa Ransom House